Saturday, 26 March 2016

Copywriting: You don't have to be mad to work here...

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a business in possession of a website must be in want of a copywriter..." - Extract from Jane Austen's unpublished work, Pride & Punctuation.

So, the first thing we need to get straight is that this is likely to get very silly. At times, it may get a bit ranty. Also, going off at a tangent is a distinct possibility. 

For a copywriting blog you may well wonder why we seem to have stayed into topics as diverse as time travel, self-shaving goats, why your most productive writing period is never when you are sitting in front of a laptop trying to be productive and, of course, the complete folly of trying to write with an octopus.

But stay with me. In amongst the insane ramblings you might...possibly...find something useful and (dare I say) vaguely amusing...possibly.

Trust me, the line between creative genius and being mad as a box of frogs is perilously thin.
The great thing is that virtually all the other copywriters I've ever had the pleasure of knowing are - to one extent or another - bonkers. Oh, they might be able to conceal it during meetings to discuss your new website content, but trust me: behind that professional demeanour is a mind filled with banana juggling monkeys on unicycles.

For one reason or another we just don't think like other people. Copywriters are masters at being able to look at the world from a slightly different perspective. It's the creative gene in us.

Take the recent First Direct TV ad: A duckbill platypus walking down the street to the sound of a 90's dance track. Crazy, yes? But it grabbed your attention a lot more than the standard banking advert of a black horse galloping through some pretty countryside, didn't it?

It's this kind of thinking out of the box that makes you stand out from the competition - and why smart businesses use copywriters.  

So, embrace the madness. Embrace a copywriter. Then give them a banana.

We love bananas.

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