Monday, 1 February 2010

New year, new day, new blog

Morning folks - Yes, it's another update from the world's most tardy blogger. It's a strange thing, y'know, blogging - put a blank word doc in front of me and a vague idea for an article and I'll be flying in seconds; words pouring out of me and onto the screen in seconds but blogging? I seem to get this mental block - or maybe it's just that I don;t get out into the 'real' world much these days! Unlike you folks with proper jobs I only have a wife, an insane toddler and a theosaurus to talk to during the working day.. it's hard to get inspired under such circumstances.

Anyhoo - my writing continues apace: had a small piece printed in this month's issue of Paranormal Magazine (Issue 45 with a big dead alien on the cover) but the larger articles (which confusingly they accepted first) will be start appearing next month. That's the impressive one - all about the Fermi paradox (No - I'm not going to tell you what it is just so you'll have to buy the magazine and read it for yourselves :-)) Currently, waiting to hear back from them about 2 other articles and further one just went off to Psychologies magazine - it would be a real victory to get published in Psychologies so fingers are firmly crossed for that one! My tutor loved the piece when he saw it so hopefully the features editor will be impressed.

Oh, and I hada birthday in January too - I'm now a venerable 38 years old - actually feels quite weird to think that I'll be 40 in another couple of years - but I still feel very young at heart (if still pretending to be a Jedi knight whilst swinging your replica lightsaber around in the artic can be considered being young at heart).

Well, I must start going through the weekend papers looking for interesting ideas for articles, etc. Frankly that's not a bad way to start a Monday morning - leafing through the broadsheets and sipping coffee! That is a distinct advantage over my old office job!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, it's Victoria here (I used to work in the Projects & Development team with you at Aviva). It's good to hear that you are enjoying your new career as a writer. I'm interested in paranormal things too, so I'll try and get hold of a copy of that magazine.
