Good Lord - has it really been THAT long since I did a blog ?! Christ-on-a-bike, if I hadn't have seen the mortgage money coming out of the account every month I would swear that I'd been the victim of alien abduction.
Actually I've been locked up here in the cold, damp, dark attic that is my study (in the very highest tower of Castle Woollseystein) frantically hammering at this keyboard like a teenage boy with a porn obsession and a credit card. Many is the long night I've passed with nothing but an Oxford Theasaurus and a ballpoint for company as I strive to get an editor to notice my fevered ramblings...
However, the good news (for anyone who didn't get the 10,000+ emails that I sent out to everyone and anyone) is that...(Pause for dramatic effect and drum roll)..
I'M GOING TO BE PUBLISHED !!!! :-D Woo-hoo !!
Actually, so far I've had two features definitely accepted: One for Prima Baby which will be appearing in Spring 2010 and another for Paranormal Magazine in January 2010. Paranormal magazine have also expressed an interest in a further article of mine so if all goes well that will be three pieces of work accepted before the Yuletide festivities!!
They're even paying me for it ! Honestly, paying me...!
So now you see why I've been so tardy in updating my blog - I've been too busy inundating publishers with features (often accompanied by begging letters and enclosing a £20 note).
I've also had to officialy register as a Self-Employed Freelance Writer with the Inland Revenue now that I'm actually making a (small) amount of money. However, although I am by no means anywhere near the kind of earning levels of old J K Rowling yet it does feel quite good to be 'official' !
I'll have to start considering my offshore tax haven options for the whole £4.25 I have in my pocket... Hmmmmmm...should I invest this lofty sum in gold bullion or oil stocks ? Decisions, decisions...
Oh, sod it - I'll just get another packet of fags...
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
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